Dr. José Luis Ros-Santaella a Dr. Eliana Pintus z FAPPZ spolupracovali na nové studii s několika španělskými výzkumnými institucemi v?čele s univerzitou v Murcii a Valencijským akváriem: Oceanografic de Valencia. Vědci zkoumali optimální podmínky pro uchování spermatu velmi známého druhu delfínů skákavých (Tursiops truncatus). Studie byla následně publikována v časopise Animal Reproduction Science.
Autoři práce:
Eliana Pintus Ph.D., Jose Luis Ros-Santaella, Ph.D.
Effect of temperature and cell concentration on dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) spermatozoa quality evaluated at different days of refrigeration.
RUIZ-DÍAZ, S., C. LUONGO, M.C. FUENTES-ALBERO, et al. Effect of temperature and cell concentration on dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) spermatozoa quality evaluated at different days of refrigeration. Animal Reproduction Science [online]. 2020, 212 [cit. 2020-11-19]. ISSN 03784320. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106248
Autorka věděcké práce: Eliana Pintus Phd.
Was awarded a degree in veterinary medicine and a doctoral degree in animal reproduction by the University of Sassari (Italy). She was also awarded a master degree in ethology by the University of Córdoba (Spain). She is currently working as an assistant professor at FAPPZ. Her research interests are focused on male reproduction and the role of oxidative stress on sperm function. She has been working on the reproductive biology of ungulates and felids. |
Autor věděcké práce: Jose Luis Ros-Santaella, Ph.D.
Was awarded a degree in biology by the University of Granada (Spain) and a doctoral degree in animal reproduction by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). He is currently working as an assistant professor at FAPPZ. His main research line is focused on the physiology of spermatozoa from wildlife and livestock with special emphasis on their morphology and the use of natural antioxidants for semen preservation. Formerly, his research line was focused on the biology of arthropods. |